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last update: oct 2006

Trajectory control

Trajectory control study faces 2 types of issues:
1. Assuming - as a first step for sake of simplicity - that the game is ideally continuous, one issue relates to the game-engine imposing its own dynamics for velocity. Commands issued by a bot/player are not instantaneously reflected in the actual variables ouput by the game-engine.
Firstly, elementary trajectories ( lines, circles,...) that composes a full path typically last several seconds, whereas game-engine response times are around several hundredth of seconds, ie the game engine will introduce a transient "perturbation" on trajectory changes.
Secondly, some trajectories ( typically the circle) implies steady variables changes ( ie yaw with constant rotation speed for a circle), which, depending on the game-engine, may generate a constant error between the command ( yaw in our example) and the game-engine output ( see C1LL filter response curve to a ramp input viewed as a constant yaw variation).
2. A second issue is related to the game being actually numerical, which introduces supplementary problems related to sampling-holding and the choice made for an integration scheme in the game-engine.

Hence, the trajectory control study is loosely following an approach excluding game-engine dynamics, then testing with a continuous game engine, then testing with a numerical model reflecting as closely as possible the game-engine behaviour.
Game-engine for testing will be here based on 2 types:
- one, the "BaseEngine", where velocity modulus and velocity angle are controlled through 2 different channels ( like a simplified model of an airplane)
- one modelling the Half-life engine, where velocity modulus and velocity direction are strongly coupled (in the engine) during turns,

the Base engine pseudo-code

Note: no backwards move.
// feedbacks: vVel, Yaw, M ; commands: UE_yaw, UE_mVel
// for tests: Ek_Yaw= 1-exp(- kYaw* T) with kYaw= constant ( =4 in tests) or Ek_Yaw=1;
// for tests: Ek_mVel= 1-exp(- kmVel* T) with kmVel= constant or Ek_Yaw=1;
mVel= sqrt( dotproduct(vVel,vVel));
//velocity direction control
DeltaYaw= wrap180(UE_yaw- Yaw);/*in [-180, 180[*/
YawRate= Ek_Yaw* DeltaYaw/T; /*0 < Ek_Yaw < 1*/
if( mVel!=0) YawRateMax= (YAWRATEMAX, ACCTRANSMAX/ mVel);
YawRate= min( max(YawRate, -YawRateMax), YawRateMax);
Yaw= wrap360(Yaw+ T* YawRate);//update
//velocity modulus control
AccL= Ek_mVel* ( UE_mVel- mVel)/T;/* 0 < Ek_mVel < 1*/
mVel= mVel+ T* AccL;//update
//updating position
Mx= Mx+ T* mVel* cos(Yaw);
My= My+ T* mVel* sin(Yaw);

Moving towards a destination point

deftrajpoint Principle: Whatever the current mobile position,its velocity vector points towards the destination point.

In its simplest form: UE_vVel= vMS/ T, which, game engine dynamics let aside, would instantaneously place the mobile on the destination.
Decomposing into modulus and angle, and using a more general formulation
UE_mVel= k_D* MQ;/* with 0 < k_D ≤ 1/T*/
UE_mVel= min( UE_mVel, SPEEDBOUND);/* SPEEDBOUND being a botAI velocity bound*/
Bear= (aBearMQ= )vectorToAngle360( vMS);
UE_yaw= Bear;
This control law is the basis for the widespread bot "waypoint navigation" , ie the "Navigation towards points" system.

Actually , the last equation is a particular case of a the following control law , where the relative bearing U_VelRBear is controlled through UE_yaw: UE_yaw= Bear- U_VelRBear, where U_VelRBear is zero.
Setting different formulas for U_VelRBear results in different trajectories, but the really interesting variation is addressed below in "Moving passed and around a point".

In all cases, numerical simulation will generate undesirable jittery velocity direction changes when the mobile is on or very close to the destination point ( bot dancing around its center point), which calls for specifc adjustments.

Whatever the navigation system, this trajectory control process will always be used at least on the last path segment leading to the final destination whenever it is a point or a circular area.

Moving passed & around a point

Principle: assuming U_Dist<< MQ, the bot moves along a straight line maintaining a constant distance U_Dist to Q, ie the trajectory is tangential to the circle of radius U_Dist and center= Q, until vVel is perpendicular to vMS; the trajectory becomes then circular.
UE_yaw= Bear- U_VelRBear, with U_VelRBear=Sgn * asin( min( U_Dist/ MQ, 1)).
Sgn defines on which side of the trajectory Q will lie.
This control law is the basis for the "Navigation around points" system, where U_Dist > bounding radius of the bot .
Note: Setting U_Dist= 0 gives "Moving towards a destination point".

With the BaseEngine
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In some cases some variables( like when Ek_Yaw=1) will flip-flop around a constant value on the circular portion of the curve: this is not a numerical problem, it just results from the computation of UE_yaw, keeping the trajectory tangential to the circle at all times; the effect can be best seen on the following curve , where T has been set to a high value ( ie high T*mVel/ U_Dist) .The curve also shows that the trajectory remains ouside the circle.

Besides, the actual radius is greater than U_Dist for Ek_Yaw decreasing; the error being irrelevant for my own applications in a "Navigation around points" system, I did not look for adjustements or more complicated designs ( like PID).

With the Half-life engine
The following curve does not change noticeably for T in max allowed range ( < 0.25 seconds).


Rallying & moving along a directed line

deftrajline Principle: Whatever the mobile current position, it moves towards the line, and when on it, it moves along the line in the right direction.

Assuming the directed line is defined by 2 points P and Q, and Course being the corresponding direction angle:
the crosstrack deviation is XTD= projection of vQM on the +90 degree-normal to the vector vPQ = z component of crossproduct( uvPQ, vQM), where uvPQ is a unitary vector;
XTDVel= projection of velocity on the +90 degree-normal to vPQ= z component of crossproduct( uvPQ, vVel)= mVel* sin( IcptAng)= mVel* sin( aVel- Course)
For sake of simplicity, it is assumed in this paragraph that the directed line is the world RefFrame x_axis. The mobile should then reach a steady state where y=XTD= XTDVel= 0, and aVel= Course.
A simple approach gives a proportional control law as U_XTDVel= -k_Y* XTD.
With a game engine bound on speed, this would result in a straight move perpendicular to the line until XTD=0.
One could bound U_XTDVel to a max value lower than max speed, but variation of mVel actually distorts the resulting trajectory in an unnatural way.
As XTDVel= mVel* sin( IcptAng), and aVel= IcptAng+Course is controlled through UE_yaw, a better control law could be
U_IcptAng= K_RadToDeg* asin( min(max(-k_Y * XTD/ mVel, -1),1)); UE_yaw= Course+ U_IcptAng;
Getting rid of the asin ( safe as asin(x)/x is monotonous, ≥ 1 and close to 1 where x is close to zero) , and allowing the intercept angle to be bounded to any choosen value instead of 90 degrees only, a final control law that works is:
U_IcptAng= min(max( -K_RadToDeg* k_Y* XTD/mVel; -INTERCEPTANGLEMAX), INTERCEPTANGLEMAX)) where 0 < INTERCEPTANGLEMAX ≤ 90 ( in practice: 45 ≤ INTERCEPTANGLEMAX ≤ 90 ).

The constant value of k_Y depends on the game engine responsiveness to a UE_yaw input and the acceptable (damped ) oscillations.

With the BaseEngine
if Ek_Yaw=1 ( no lag on yaw) and k_Y= k_Ymax= 1/T, the resulting trajectory is basically a straight line intercepting the directed line under an angle of +-INTERCEPTANGLEMAX.
if Ek_Yaw=1 ( no lag on yaw) and k_Y< 1/T, , the straight line is followed by a close-to-exponentially decaying y with velocity direction getting close to the line direction.
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if Ek_Yaw<1 ( and k_Y tuned accordingly for stability), the straight line is preceded by a turn due to the engine lag.

Bounds on yaw speed( or radius or mAccT)
If yaw speed is bounded, the initial phase is a turn towards INTERCEPTANGLEMAX direction.
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The sign of this initial turn depends on the sign of (initialRBear - (180±INTERCEPTANGLEMAX)).
It is possible to tune the limit angle independently from INTERCEPTANGLEMAX.

Besides, the control law might initiate the final rally phase too late and generate an overshoot, ie the trajectory markedly crosses the directed line at interception time. This will always occur as seen above if Ek_Yaw=1 ( no lag on yaw) and k_Y= k_Ymax= 1/T.
naval_b0_os01 naval_b_os01

A way to prevent that while maintaining a constant speed modulus is to introduce a second bound IcptMax_Engine on U_VelRBear corresponding to a circular trajectory tangential to the directed line, and taking the min of this bound and INTERCEPTANGLEMAX:
RadiusMin_Omega= K_RadToDeg* mVel/ ENGINE_OMEGAMAX;/*OMEGAMAX= max yaw speed in deg/s*/
RadiusMin_AccT= mVel*mVel/ ENGINE_ACCTMAX;
RadiusMin= max( RadiusMin_Omega, RadiusMin_AccT);
xa= 1- abs(XTD)/RadiusMin;
xa= min(max(x,-1),+1);
IcptMax_Engine= K_RadToDeg* acos( xa);
InterceptAngleMax= min( INTERCEPTANGLEMAX, IcptMax_Engine);
Using this adjustment process, velocity increases during the last circular turn might nevertheless generate overshoots.

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A further improvement is to use a prediction on XTD instead of XTD to compute IcptMax_Engine:
XTDPred= XTD+ (T/Ek_Yaw)* vVely;
naval_b0_os03 naval_b_os03

The trajectory is rather impervious to velocity changes, as evidenced on the following curve ( change on velocity command from 250 to 80 during the final turn), except may be in some cases of increasing velocity as mentioned here above.

With the Half-life engine
k_Y should depend on Timestep, but k_Y= sv_friction/4 is a low conservative value, and twice that value is OK.
The initial turn cannot be seen due to the figure scale, because it is actually very fast.
The section turns provides the necessary information to code overshoot avoidance, but it does not seem useful and the implementation corresponding to the following curve does not include anything mentionned in the preceding Base engine paragraph.

Reaching a point in a given direction

x, y, vVely, vVelx are measured in a local frame having the destination point for origin, and having its x-axis along the given direction ( ie Course= 0); UE_yaw and Bearing are also measured in this local frame.
The Bearing is the bearing to the destination point: Bearing= atan2(y,x) in [0, 360[.
LINE: The first easy solution is to move straight to the destination, then change yaw to the given direction:ie
UE_yaw= Bearing then UE_yaw= 0 when on dest;
or vVely/vVelx= y/x then UE_yaw= 0 when on dest;
This works if a stop on the destination is possible or turns are instantaneous, which is barely the case.
CIRCLE tangential to x-axis for x=y=0:
UE_yaw= 2* Bearing;
or vVely/vVelx= 2*x*y/( x*x-y*y);
or vVely/mVel= 2*x*y/(d*d); d= sqrt( x*x+y*y)
The radius is implicitely determined by the initial values of x and y not null as Rad= -( x*x+y*y)/(2*y);
PARABOLA tangential to x-axis for x=y=0:
UE_yaw= atan(2* tan(Bearing));
or vVely/vVelx= 2* y/x;

Actually , the 3 hereabove curves are members of more general families
F1: CONICS FAMILY: ( insures vVely=0 on x=y=0)
vVely/vVelx= 2*y*(x+ B*y)/( x*x-(c*y*c*y));B> c: hyperbolas, B= c: parabolas, B< c: ellipses.
More families I could think of are
F2: UE_yaw= K* Bearing;/*K= 1 for the line, K=2 for the circle*/
F3: vVely/vVelx= K*x*y/( x*x-y*y);/*K=2 for the circle*/
F4: vVely/mVel= K*x*y/(d*d);/*K=2 for the circle*/
F5: UE_yaw= atan(K* tan(Bearing)) or vVely/vVelx= K* y/x;/*K= 1 for the line, K=2 for the parabola*/
I only tested F2 family, which is absolutely great (with some adaptation, especially for K > 2) to insure smooth turns in various initial conditions.TODO: figures wont hurt
Except for the F1 family thanks to more parameters, the velocity angles are set by the equations, ie they can be quite different from the bot current ones when initiating the curve.
A key point to check when choosing/testing a family is that vVely=0 on x=y=0.

Decelerating & stopping

As one would expect, with a game engine as Half-life engine, setting the wished velocity to zero ( UE_mVel=0) does not result in actual velocity being instantaneously zero.
Reaching the final destination point ( ie MQ=0) at null speed can be achieved 2 ways:
1. by a control law on distance, which is the best solution if available:
UE_mVel= k_D* MQ/T works with an engine such as the base engine without bound on decceleration; it does not in the other case, and not quite with Half_life engine.
2. by open-loop prediction: find a function returning the distance run until full stop from a given velocity when a zero velocity is commanded; trigger a null velocity command UE_mVel=0 when MQ becomes equal or less than the distance returned for the current actual velocity. This cannot result in a final MQ exactly equal to zero; requiring a high precision positioning, ie a small waypoint radius, with such a solution is asking for trouble.
see Stopping Distance for Half-life.